lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

-Henry Ford-

In my opinion, what this phrase wants to tell us; is that you never stop learning, because every day we acquire new knowledge and skills in various aspects not only  related to the study, but of how to be better people for this society. If we say that we have stopped learning, we are lying; because as rational beings, we are called to the pursuit of knowledge from all ways to discover even more of ourselves and our surroundings.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

THE 80s

In my opinion, the story of the 80 is marked several cultural performances such as fashion, music, television, and hobbies that helped to strengthen the entertainment and make this decade one of the most important.

I think that this time may have come what is now known as fashion, since from these years people began to worry more about how they looked; and this concept was ligated with the health and born the famous diets. Also this age`s hairstyles were extravagant and flashy because these were imitated from the famous rock bands and disco in this time.

The 80s also marked many events in the world politically, and commercial, because people began to promoting much the level of entertainment and in my consideration this was one of the greatest times of consumerism and capitalism.